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About Aretol

For more than a decade we have been producing a wide range of frozen vegetables and fruits. Weather our product is sold to industrial companies, chains or Horeca, the most important fact to us is to satisfy the demands of final costumers.

Our head office with distribution center is situated in Novi Sad, and within Aretol company we have four production facilities for IQF vegetable production, with 20.000 t capacity in Ada, Mol, Zmajevo and Feketic. We are supplied with raw materials by very well equipped and trained farmers, from the irrigated fields near our production facilities.

The biggest part of our production we export to the foreign markets, to EU, Russia and former Yugoslav republics, and recently, our strategic management made strong efforts to affirm our products in our country, with developing own and private brands.




Svetozara Miletića 20
29. Novembra bb
Vrbaski put bb
Siriski put bb.
Novi Sad
Bul.Vojvode Stepe 40
Storage Production Factories Products
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